I settled on a deep purple and a deep green as the colors for the logo as Louise commonly used these colors in her package designs. Little Lord Fontleroy NF became the chosen font as it had vintage and an art deco feel to it that is so prominent in Louise's work.
I liked the font with an ellipse around it in the two colors, however, I knew that the logo need a little something more. So I looked into the Adobe Illustrator symbols and found this florids vector pack. I took one of the symbols and modified it by only using a select part of the symbol. I did this later on for the bio poster as well when I wanted some sort of curly embellishment, but I wanted the smoothness and symmetry not available with a hand-drawn embellishment.
Now that I had a completed logo, I began gathering information for a biography page on Louise Fili. Outside of her own webpage, I had difficulty finding diverse information on her. What helped most was the Women of Design book that Evelyn brought to class. In that book, there was an interview that helped me understand her own influences and process.
With this poster, I tried creating the background image first and then adding the logo, picture, and text. This did not work very well as I soon found out, so I started over and typed out the information and then created the design around the text. Another difficulty with this bio page had to be the fact that Louise did not design posters. She designed book covers and packaging/identities for restaurants and food companies. Louise did design several books, so I looked into the layouts of the text and images in the books to help me figure out how to create the bio page. I created the border from a piece of one of the symbols in the florids pack to mimic her use of borders and containers. I played around with the placement of the type on the page and added the dotted line border when I had to shrink my type down because the font was too large. This left a lot of empty space that needed to be filled somehow, hence the dotted line to fill space while acting as a container for the type. This is the finished product:
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